Exercise as Medicine

Vitala is a platform that enables healthcare providers to prescribe and monitor diagnosis-specific physical activity.
Created by doctors
and physiotherapists
CE-marked MDR
class 1 medical device

“Improved patient outcomes and saved resources"

Research has shown the benefits of physical activity for both our physical and mental health. We know that regular exercise can prevent and even treat chronic diseases.
However, prescribing physical activity is often perceived as complicated and time-consuming for healthcare providers.

Vitala automates the process of prescribing physical activity, enabling healthcare providers to effortlessly provide patients with patient-safe daily exercise programs.
- Jesper Aasa,
Medical Doctor and Co-founder

Healthcare is undergoing a paradigm shift

The prevalance of chronic health conditions are on a rise
80% of all chronic diseases can be prevented through lifestyle changes, with physical activity being a crucial component
Digital solutions are needed to meet the increasing demand
65% of healthcare leaders identified “facilitating a shift to virtual or remote” care as their top priority
More resources are invested in preventive health efforts with a focus on lifestyle habits
The new focus is shifting from reactive treatments (such as prescription medicine) to proactive and value-based treatments

It shouldn’t be complicated to prescribe physical activity


Effective, patient-centered, and patient-safe

Exercise as Medicine
Vitala’s unique exercise generator creates daily exercise programs tailored to the patient’s medical diagnoses, functional ability, musculoskeletal pains, daily form, and personal goals.
Movement Health
Vitala’s movement health analyses track movement patterns that cause discomfort and creates muscle-strengthening and balance-enhanced exercises to reduce pain.
Healthcare providers can seamlessly keep track of the patient’s progress by monitoring their well-being and development in real-time through the Vitala Care Portal.

Vitala Care Portal

The Vitala Care Portal enables the provider to prescribe and monitor diagnosis-specific medical exercise and work with value-based care
Convenient patient meetings
Effective and accommodating treatment
Easy to prescribe diagnosis-specific exercise
A tool for better care
Less administrative work
Enables home-exercise treatment
Designed to work proactively
Does not require prior experience with diagnosis-specific exercise

Be a part of the future of proactive care.

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